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Embark on a passionate Sweethearts & Heroes journey and unlock the secrets to giving H.O.P.E., taking action, and building a community of empathy and compassion in your school, in your community, and in the world.

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What is The H.O.P.E. Classroom?

Delivered through engaging storytelling, powerful themes, and fun action, The H.O.P.E. Classroom includes a number of digital courses that give students the tools they need to change and save lives.

What's included?

Complete learning platform

Invite teachers and students to learn, either in-person or remote.

Intro to H.O.P.E. Series

A four-part series for elementary school students.

Signature H.O.P.E. Series

A nine-part series for middle and high school students.

The Circle Series

A seven-part series to help educators understand and utilize our Circle practices.


Hear from educators and students that have worked with Sweethearts and Heroes.

As someone who has worked with Middle School students for 15 years, I cannot thank you enough for delivering a critical message... The work you are doing is invaluable and you are likely having an impact that will never truly be known.

Jennifer Eaton


Working with Sweethearts & Heroes was a fascinating experience. [Their] paradigm on leadership and empathy with young minds is empowering … the impact [they] left on our program will be felt for years to come.

Joe Ampolo

Navy Lacrosse Head Coach

I have been in education for over 30 years, as a teacher, coach, and now administrator. There is no finer program to address building the proper climate in your school than Sweethearts & Heroes.

Michael Satterlee


As tears are running down my face, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my son. If it were not for you…[my son] would have continued to live in a private misery.

Mother of student


Ready to get started?

Purchase a subscription today, with pricing based on the size of your school or organization.

© 2024 Sweethearts and Heroes. All rights reserved.
